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Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)



NCA’s Programme Framework 2020-2030 is guided by the organisation’s global strategy, Faith in Action, and contributes to reaching the ambitions mapped out in the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the national strategies and plans in the countries NCA and its partners operate.

The six thematic areas included in the Programme Framework are Gender-based Violence; Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Peacebuilding; Faith-based Climate Action; Climate Smart Economic Empowerment and Fighting Inequality.

NCA delivers results through its holistic approach as a development, humanitarian and advocacy actor. Preparedness and resilience are included in long-term development programmes and protracted crises, transition to early recovery strengthened in humanitarian responses, and structural inhibiters to just solutions addressed. In line with the 2030 Agenda, NCA will adopt the principle of ‘leaving no one behind’.

The framework will also increase synergies between thematic areas through integrated programming by promoting co-localisation of interventions in the same geographical area. Working with faith-based actors and strengthening civil society have also been included as a strategic priority for the whole organisation.

Involvement with SBP


NCA has been a stand-by partner since 2006. Over the years, NCA has been supporting the Global WASH Cluster’s Regional Emergency Coordination Advisor project from 2011 to 2014 and Field Support Team from 2015 until present.


  1. WASH

  2. SGBV

  3. ASRH

  4. MHPSS

  5. CMR

  6. Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management

  7. Logistics

  8. Security



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The Standby Partnership (SBP) Network is  an initiative composed of participating Donors, Non-Profit Organizations, Private Sector Companies and UN agencies providing critical surge support in humanitarian crisis and emergencies globally.

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with support from Help.NGO | Map Action | ZIF Center for International Peace Operations

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