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Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
ZIF was established in 2002 by the Federal Government of Germany and the German Parliament to strengthen international civilian capacities for crisis prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding. It is a non-profit limited liability company, whose sole shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Federal Foreign Office.
On behalf of the Federal Foreign Office, ZIF provides services and expertise on and for multilateral partners in a comprehensive approach that unites training, human resources, international capacity development and analysis.
We train civilian experts for peace operations, humanitarian standby deployments and election observation missions. Together with partners, we seek to advance curricula, training methods and training standards.
We manage the ZIF Expert Pool to facilitate the deployment of pre-qualified and pre-selected personnel for multilateral partners at short notice. Over 1,400 qualified and experienced experts in the ZIF Expert Pool are available for assignment in a broad range of professional areas.
For peace operations, humanitarian standby deployments and election observation missions, we recruit and second German civilian personnel. As the employer of German civilian personnel in these operations, we are fully committed to our duty of care obligations before, during and after deployment.
We advise multilateral partners on developing their civilian capacities, and promote the exchange and transfer of knowledge between relevant agencies.
We offer analysis, information and policy advice on all aspects of peace operations. Through policy relevant research, dialogue and exchange, we contribute to the conceptual debate and the development of peace operations.
Involvement with SBP
ZIF signed its first Standby Partnership agreement in July 2011 with OCHA.
After a break of almost six years due to legislative changes in Germany, ZIF has resumed secondments to OCHA operations. The basis for deployments is the Standby Partnership Agreement concluded in August 2019 for the provision of humanitarian experts. In September 2020, ZIF also signed a Standby Partnership Agreement with WFP. In the near future, ZIF will expand its humanitarian capacities within its expert roster and sign Standby Partnership agreements with additional UN partners.
ZIF is a member of the Standby Partnership Network and active in several of its bodies. It is one of the eight members of the Nnetwork's Steering Committee and provides financial contribution to the SBP Network and support of its core staff. In addition, ZIF is active in all SBP working groups. On behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office, ZIF co-finances the SBP Network Secretariat.
The ZIF Expert Pool comprises over 1,400 pre-selected and pre-qualified personnel who can be seconded to multilateral partners. The ZIF Expert Pool includes experts for three different areas of deployment: peace operations, humanitarian standby deployments and election observation. With around 80 experts, the humanitarian pool component currently represents the smaller share of the three areas of deployment. ZIF is constantly working on expanding its humanitarian pool capacities.
The core profiles for humanitarian standby deployments include as of September 2020:
Shelter and Site Planning
Humanitarian Affairs
Cash and Voucher Assistance
Communication and Public Information
Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination
Information and Communication Technology
Camp Coordination / Camp Management
Information Management
The core profiles for peace operations include:
Civil Affairs
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration
Security Sector Reform
Civil-Military Cooperation
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Economic Affairs
IT management
Logistics and Supply
Women, Peace and Security
Media Development
Mission Management
Administration and Support
Monitoring and Reporting
Political Affairs
Mediation (Support)
Press and Public Information
Rule of Law and Legal Affairs
Public Administration